Tuesday, February 24, 2009
First plant babies of the year...
I also started my Black Pansies - but no germination yet, and the Lupines will go in tomorrow.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Orchid Love

So now, with a record as a terrible plant-mother I have to try and keep this beautiful plant alive. And, I don't even really know how to water it. I predict it will be dead by June. Sigh.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
I finally took my Christmas lights down...
I've also changed the look of my blog - and spent a long time choosing pictures and colours. I think today's new looks is a little less lopsided than yesterday's. I also really like the new blog roll gadget.
I've weeded out my blog roll and it is now strictly blogs with northern gardening interests like my own.
And I bought my seeds today...way too many, but alas, I think that is far too common with gardeners... I see the racks in the stores and I want them all. And yet, my garden is still under at least 2 feet of snow. I am dreaming of spring.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
So many choices...
So far this is what I have selected. I order from Veseys.com
Blue Mirror Chinese Delphinium - I love blue flowers and it is so hard to find a true blue flower.
Munstead Lavender - I am not sure if I need/have room for this, but I love lavender!
Black Beauty Pansies - I grew these last year, and really liked them - I would like some more, and I am really hoping the ones from last year will come back.
Mixed Lupins - I think these are fairly easy to grow and really cheap. I bought a lupin plant last year, and think a few more mixed in the corner with it would be nice. And, since the seeds are so cheap, it is probably worthwhile to grow them from seeds.
Giant Tetra Snapdragon - I want to use these to fill in the extra spaces and maybe in my black pots out front
Razzmatazz Sunflower Mix - These were probably one of my favourite things in my garden last year - until a wicked rain/wind storm knocked them all over when I was on holidays (and filled my basement up with water...I wasn't pleased). They were fabulous colours - this year I want twice as many!
Plus, I have my vegetable seeds - beans, several lettuce varieties, carrots, beets and onions...
I can't decide because I don't actually need a whole package of the perennials, and I am worried it will be a waste of money if they don't grow well. Does anyone have a lot of experience growing perennials from seed? Is it worth it? Or should I just buy the perennials from a garden centre? Plus I still have to buy my spring bulbs - lilies and glads. Gardening is going to make me go broke!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Anyone have a lily garden?

I know lilies do really in our area, they take up lots of space, and they aren't very high maintenance. But now, I need some advice. What types of lilies should I get - do they all multiply, or just some? How many plants do I need per square foot? And what other perennials should I put in with them. I loved the geraniums and annuals I planted against the house last year - but annuals are too much work. I now work full-time and am probably going back to school in the summer so I want something that will look stunning, but not take all my time. I was thinking of putting lupins and chinese delphiniums with them to start, and maybe some snapdragons to fill in the spaces this year because I know I can't afford to fill the whole garden in one year.
Does anyone have any lily favourites that they have to have in their garden? Anything I should look out for?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
6 months later...
If anyone still checks up on me, any suggestions for what I should plant in front of giant snapdragons in a raised bed? I think I am going to plant snapdragons up against the house in my raised beds, but I am not sure what to put in front. Maybe some dark blue lobelia cascading over the edge? Do I need something mid-height in between?
Friday, August 8, 2008
Summer Heat...
The heat has also made the geraniums I started from seed bloom and grow like crazy, although it took them a long time to finally flower. I think next year I need to start them a few weeks earlier and then plant them into bigger pots while they are still in the house. I tried to keep them small in the house so that they wouldn't get leggy, but I may have delayed blooming. Also, I think my raised beds need new dirt, because none of the plants are flourishing the way I would have expected... so next year I am buying a load of topsoil and compost and spreading the goodness around my yard - gardening is too much work to have crappy soil preventing your plants from thriving...
anyways, here is a pic of my raised beds with all the flowers/plants I started from seed in my living room...